Audio & vidéo

Audio & vidéo

Audio & Video Systems

Technology is now part of our everyday life, but it doesn’t have to be part of your decor!

Nowadays, there is so much choice in electronic products. You can get a TV that passes for a picture frame or mirror. It can even be “hidden” when not in use. 

It is also possible to perfectly match your speakers to your decor with a wide choice of colors, shapes and finishes. They can even be hidden away since they can be installed in the ceiling or walls. (We are not talking about built-in speakers, but rather speakers that are installed in the walls/ceiling, behind the plaster, so 100% invisible.)

The centralization of devices will allow you to enjoy all the benefits that your technologies can provide, without having to change your living spaces. All the devices necessary for the proper functioning of your systems such as the modem, the router and the switches, the digital decoders (Bell/Videotron for example), the media players such as the Blu-ray player, the Apple TV or the Roku, the amplifiers and all other components of this type can be installed in a cabinet designed for this purpose. This cabinet can be located in another room, such as the mechanical room, the storage room in the basement or in a closet. Consolidating your electronic devices in one place will make the installation and maintenance easier, while preserving the visual appearance of your home. Our technicians are able to program your systems to allow you to control everything via your portable devices, such as your phones and/or tablets, or using smart remotes.